New York City Directory, 1786
Pearsall and Embree -- watch and clockmakers -- 43 Queen Street

New York City Directory, 1869
Fowler & Pearsall, poultry, 31 Fulton mkt

New York City Directory, 1869

  1. Pearsall Alfred V. bdgh. 162 Cherry
  2. Pearsall Alfred V. bdgh. 162 Cherry
  3. Pearsall Ann, bdgh. 76 Grosby
  4. Pearsall Alva A. velocipedes, 29 W. 28th, h 170 Clinton, B'klyn
  5. Pearsall Chas. E. fruit, Fulton mkt. h 320 W. 20th
  6. Pearsall Edward, h 3 Waverley pl.
  7. Pearsall Edward, shoemkr. h 115 Mulberry
  8. Pearsall Edward B. mer. 30 Whitehall, h 249 York, J. C.
  9. Pearsall Eliza, widow, 209 E. 36th
  10. Pearsall Francis E. velocipedes, 1193 B'way, h 170 Clinton, B'klyn
  11. Pearsall George, laborer, h r 14 Essex
  12. Pearsall Jas, butcher, 763 Eighth av. h 301 W. 53d
  13. Pearsall John, carman, h 177 E. Houston
  14. Pearsall John, fruits, 168 Front, h 55 W. 47th
  15. Pearsall Jonathan, butcher, 703 Eighth av. h Pleassantville
  16. Pearsall Margaret, bdgh. 149 W. 14th
  17. Pearsall Margaret, wid. Henry, h 278 First av. Pearsall Mary, h 1721 Third av.
  18. Pearsall Mary L. wid. Thos W. h 16 Lafayette pl.
  19. Pearsall Marvin R. tobacco, 192 Pearl, & segars, 286 Bowery, h 55 W. 47th
  20. Pearsall Matthias, police, h 376 Eighth
  21. Pearsall Richard, butcher, 354 Fourth av. h 309 E. 30th
  22. Pearsall Sarah, h 149 W. 14th
  23. Pearsall Silas, janitor, h ft. E. 26th
  24. Pearsall Theodore F. fruits, Fulton mkt
  25. Pearsall Thomas W. 29 B'way, h 26 W. 20th
  26. Pearsall Treadwell, fruits, 168 Front, h 134 Ft. Greene pl. B'klyn
  27. Pearsall Uriah, oysters, 113 Roosevelt
  28. Pearsall Walter, poultry, 31 Fulton mkt. h 114 Eldridge

New York City Directory, 1869

  1. Pearsall William, mer. 30 Whitehall, h York c Jersey av. J. C.
  2. Pearsall William H. h 77 Bank
  3. Pearsall William H. butcher, h 415 E. 24th
  4. Pearsall William H. butcher, 763 Eighth av. h Westchester
  5. Pearsall William H. H. clerk, h 415 E. 24th
  6. Pearsall Zophar, butcher, 4 Fulton mkt
  7. Pearsall C. E. & T. F. fruits, Fulton mkt
  8. Pearsall J. & T. fruits, 168 Front
  9. Pearsall J. & W. H. butchers, 763 Eighth av.
  10. Pearsall Brothers, velocipedes, 1193 B'way
  11. Pearsall Brothers & Fish. mers. 30 Whitehall

New York City Directory, 1890

  1. Delong & Pearsall, poultry, 7 Fulton mkt
  2. Gomez & Pearsall, mers. 168 Front & Pier 14 E. R.
  3. Pearsall Arthur, laborer, h r 319 W. 39th
  4. Pearsall Charles, engraver, 48 Beekman, h 66 Quiney, B'klyn
  5. Pearsall Charles E. fruit, 19 Fulton, h B'klyn
  6. Pearsall Edw'd B. broker, 18 B'way, h 34 W. 38th
  7. Pearsall Elizabeth, wid. Denton, h 124 E. 72d
  8. Pearsall Emeline A. meat, 303 W. 48th, h 357 W. 46th
  9. Pearsall Helen, wid. Charles, h 35 Grove
  10. Pearsall James W. agent, h 175 W. 95th
  11. Pearsall James Z. clerk, 3 Broad, h 219 Hewes, B'klyn
  12. Pearsall John, carpenter, 525 E. 85th
  13. Pearsall John H. trucks, 70 Gold. h 240 E. 110th
  14. Pearsall John K. meat, 303 W. 48th, h 357 W. 46th
  15. Pearsall John W. clerk, h 515 E. 86th
  16. Pearsall Joseph A. h 124 E. 72d
  17. Pearsall Julien, baker, h 160 W. 28th
  18. Pearsall Laura E. wid. Zophar, meat, 8 Fulton mkt, h Wateroury, Ct.
  19. Pearsall Lewis, liquors, 162 Cherry
  20. Pearsall Marvin R. tobacco, 52 Water, h 1501 B'way
  21. Pearsall Mary, wid. James, h 519 W. 52d
  22. Pearsall Morris H. elerk, h 300 E. 29th
  23. Pearsall Phebe. h 3 Waverly pl.
  24. Pearsall Phebe, wid. John, h 204 Ninth av.
  25. Pearsall Samuel J. physician, 128 W. 78th
  26. Pearsall Sarah E. milk, 230 W. 47th, h L. I. City
  27. Pearsall Silas C. poultry, 289 Washn, mkt, h 454 Koscinsko, B'klyn
  28. Pearsall Theodore F. fruit, 168 Front & Picr 14 E. R. h Elizabeth, N. J.
  29. Pearsall Thomas elerk, h 146 W. 103d
  30. Pearsall Thomas, painter, h 221 W. 60th
  31. Pearsall Thomas W. broker, 15 Wall, h 26 W. 20th
  32. Pearsall William, h 272 W. 143d
  33. Pearsall William A. clerk, 30 Cortlandt, h 694 Gates av. B'klyn
  34. Pearsall Wm. H. milk, 230 W. 47th, h L. I. City
  35. Pearsall William S. physician, 128 W. 78th
  36. Pearsall Zophar jr. poultry, 7 Fulton mkt, h 328 Livingston, B'klyn
  37. Pearsall T. W. & Co. brokers, 15 Broad