LEWIS PEARSALL. Invincible determination, if coupled with sound common sense, will accomplish almost any desired result,
and already are the effects of these qualities visible in the life of this gentleman, who has won a respected position for himself in
the community by reason of industry, perseverance and genial nature. A resident of Far Rockaway, he is junior member of the
firm of Smith & Pearsall, wholesale and retail dealer in coal and wood, brick, lime, cement, lath, tile pipe and blue stone
flagging, with dock at Bayswater Ave. and yards and office on White Street, near Cornaga Avenue, Far Rockaway.
The father of our subject, Henry Pearsall, was born in East Rockaway and throughout his entire active life was a seafaring man.
He died when seventy-four years of age. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Elizabeth Murray, was born at Pearsall’s
Corners and is now living in Cedarhurst. Their seven children are named as follows: Lewis; Henry, Jr., who like his father, is a
mariner; Frank, George, Jennie & Charles, who is deceased. Our subject was born in Cedarhurst, this county, January 14,
1856, an in boyhood had but meager educational advantages, being obliged to support himself from an early age. For a time he
followed the water with his father, and was thus employed when, at the age of twenty-eight, he married Miss Aphena Avens
[Editor’s note, should be Ephfeme Abrams], of Cedarhurst.
Shortly after his marriage Mr. Pearsall began as a contractor, which business he still follows, his specialty being the excavating
and making of roads. He was one of the principal men in the construction of the Far Rockaway street railroad and has been
interested in many important public improvements. In spite of adverse circumstances, and notwithstanding the fact that his
education was limited, he has been quite successful in a business way, and now stands among the well-known residents of Far
Rockaway. To his children, Mabel, Ella and Lillie, he is giving excellent advantages, so that they may be prepared to take their
places in any station of life to which they may be called. Though not officious in his politics, he is a firm Republican, and believes
that protection is needed for the welfare of our people and the best interests of our government.
Biography of Lewis Pearsall from "Portrait and Biographical Record of Queens County (Long Island) New York; Containing
Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the County." (Copyright 1896 by Chapman
Publishing Company) At page 211: