The writer, in the following pages, presents to those interested in the MOTT FAMILY of Long Island a condensed statement of what has been accomplished in the preparation of the Genealogy of the Descendants of Adam of Hempstead.Since the distribution of the first edition of these pages in 1899 some erros therein have been detected, new lines of descent have been determined, and some questions then in abeyance have been decided. This edition, as was its predeccessor, is issued for free distribution in order to enlist the interest and cooperation of others.
Very many of those bearing the same surname, and presumably descended from Adam Mott, fail to trace their lines back to him. There are two reasons for this,---first, the almost entire absence of early public vital statistics, and, --second, the frequent and persistent occurrence of the same christian names in the family, sufficient in itself to baffle the most careful and patient attempt to identify the individuals. It is only by the collection of as large a number as is possible of family and bible manuscript records of undeniable authenticity, and by their careful study and comparison, that satisfactory results can be expected. The writer urges all those to whom this paper shall come, in the interest of their clan, to contribute copies of such records as they may possess, and supply him with other information that may place him in position to insure the best results of his labor.
Beside the known and the presumptive descendants of Adam Mott on Long Island there are others of the name there of undeniably different origin. Contemporary with Adam of Hempstead two others of the name were there, Cornelius, whos stay was short, and who appears ot have entered service against the Indians on the mainland, and is not afterwards heard of,--and another, called Lorus or Lowras, later Lawrens and Lawrence, who ultimately settled in Oyster Bay. He had two or three sons, Thomas2 (wife Deborah). John2 (wife Margaret) the carpenter of Wolver Hollow, and apparently, Adam2. Descendants have lived in that vicinity for many years. The late John Anderson Nichols Mott of Brooklyn was of this stock, as was Jarvis of Brooklyn, and the Motts of Mt. Vernon.
The Northport Motts and those of Sagharbor and East Hampton, derive from Jacob (wife of Deborah) whose origin, I believe, is not determined.
Descendants of Adam (wife Sarah) of Essex Co., Mass., a cotemporary of Adam of Hempstead, passed to Rhode Island, Block Island and Connecticut, and occasional individuals have crossed to Long Island to perplex the genalogist.
EDWARD D. HARRIS. 280 Broadway, New York City.
Adam Mott is the first heard of in 1645, when he was of New York. On the 28th of July, 1647, he married there, Jane Hulet, he then as from county Essex, and she, a maid, from county Buckingham. His oldest children Adam and James were baptized in New York. Ten years later he was settled at Hempstead, on the north shore, where he continued to reside until his death. There are several important documents upon record concerning him. One, dated 1682, enumerates his "four sonns by my Frist wiffe Jane Mott, viz. Addam, Jeams, John and Joseph". The second ins his will, dated March 12, 1681-2, wherein he names his "eldest son Adam," sons James, John, Joseph and Gershom, dau. Grace, three children of his deceased son Henry, "youngest son Adam," wife Elizabeth and "all ye children I have by her". The third document is an agreement dated 1691 by which the widow confirms certain lands to sons by the first marriage, viz. Adam, James, John and Joseph, being joined therein by one of her own sons, Richbell, probably the only one then of age. The las of these documents is a release given by John Okeson, in 1703, (who had meantime married the youngest daughter by the second wife,) of his interest in the estate which Adam Mott "did give to his six youngest children which he had by his last wife Elizabeth, unto Richbell Mott, William Mott, Charles Mott and Adam Mott, Jr.The second wife of Adam Mott was the daughter of Ann, the wife of John Richbell of Mamaroneck, probably by a previous husband whose name was Redman. She married not long prior to Nov., 5, 1691, Robert Hubs, and was living as late as 1698, as his wife.
Adam Mott died probably a little while before Apr. 5, 1690.
His children were:-
Adam2, James2, Henry2, Grace2, John2, Joseph2, Gershom2, by the first wife, and
Richbell2, Maryanne2, Elizabeth2 , William2, Charles2, and Adam2 by the second wife.
Of the daughters, Grace married Jonathan Smith, Jr., and Elizabeth mar. John Okeson.
ADAM2, the oldest son, was bapt. in New York Nov. 14, 1649. His wife seems to have been Mary, dau. of Nicholas Stillwell. He was of Hempstead, a Justice of the Peace, and in 1713 was living at the south side, at Rockaway. Nothing is known of him or of his wife after 1719. The only children known as his were Ann3 , Mary3, and Adam3, all on the census list of 1698. Of the daus. nothing is known. The son Adam3, had, some time before 1719, married his half cousin Elizbeth Mott, and was living at Rockaway, but later was of Staten Island, where he was the county clerk from 1728 to 1738. He was afterwards "of the Province of Pennsylvania, gentleman," and died sometime before March 1749, when his widow gave the administration bond. She made her will in 1777 (proved 1778) then of Staten Is. Their children were Elizabeth4, who before 1743 had mar. Benj. Seaman, and Richbell4, who mar. 1736 Mary Seamans, dau. of Richard and Sarah, and died before July 11, 1745, leaving a son Richbell5.
Nothing further has been learned of this branch of the family. The residence on Staten Island, place of burial, and particulars of the descendants of Adam 3, and Elizabeth are much desired.
JAMES2, the second son of Adam1, was bapt. in New York Oct. 15, 1651. A license was granted Sept. 5, 1670, for his marriage to Mary Redman, the daughter-in-law (step-daughter) of John Richbell. He was living at Hempstead in 1682, but had removed to Mamaroneck in 1690, where his wife died before 1698. He married again Elizabeth_______who survived him and administered his estate 1707. His children were Elizabeth3, Grace3, James3 , Phebe3, and Martha3, all living in 1698. The son Jamess3, was of Mamaroneck in 1728, but nothing further of this branch has been learned. The Motts of Mamaronecek in the next century were descendants of Richbell2.
HENRY2, (probably the third) son of Adam1 Mott died Nov. 21, 1680, and administration was issued to his widow Hannah Nov. 13, 1682. His real estate was a house and seventeen acres of land at Hempstead. Three minor children were living in 1682, their names unknown. Nothing further is know of them, and in 1698 none appears on the census list of Hempstead, unless the Grace Mott, living in family of John Cornwell, was a daughter.
JOHN2, son of Adam1 Mott, born about 1658, mar. Sarah daughter of John Seaman, was of Hempstead, and had living in 1698 chilren John3, James3, Sarah3, and Martha3, and two sons born later, Patrick3 , and Henry3. He is traced to the year 1727, and then disappears from the record. It has not been possible as yet to identify a John of Hempstead with wife Rebecca, as his son, although there is a strong probability of the connection. Nor is the son James3 traced. One James was of Hempstead, whose son James mar. Anna Rogers at Huntington in 1723 and gave rise to a long line of descendants, but the connection with John2 is problematical. The discovery of John's bible or family record is very much to be hoped for , and it seems hightly probable that some Long Island home will yet prove to be its possessor, and so solve many perplexing questions.
Of Patrick3, who was a man of prominecne in Hempstead (south), we know strangely little. He was born 1698-1701, was certainly alive in 1771, and dead in 1775. He was born 1698-1701, was certainly alive in 1771, and dead in 1775. He, or a son of the same name, had wife Deborah who died 1792, aged 64. One Patrick, perhaps a grandson, and certainly son of a William, died in 1845, the of New York, aged 55, leaving son Richard Wood and daughter Mary W.
Henry3, born about 1702 was of Rockaway. His will was made in 1767. His children then living were Adam4, Hannah4, the wife of Lewes, Abigail4, the wife oa a Foster, Henry4, Sarah4, Richard4, Mary 4, John4, and Elizabeth4.
Adam4, named as the executor of his father's will, but of whom we know little, was of Woodsburgh, d. about 1790, the father of Henry H.5 (who mar. Mary Seaman and died 1844 leaving children Henry6, Adam6, David Seaman6, Hannah6, Elizabeth6, Abigail6, Mary6, and Jane 6,) and Adam5, who removed to Renssalaer Co.N.Y.
Henry4, the second son, born Nov. 22, 1730, was of Hempstead, mar. Mary Southard and died 1768, about the time his father did. The widow married Garret Burtis and removed to Dutchess Co. The sons were William5, Henry5, James5, and Samuel 5. William5 was of Verbank, Dutchess Co., married Lutetia Losee, and died 1799; descendants are now of Poughkeepsie. Of Henry5 and James5 nothing can be gathered; their descendants must be looked for in Dutchess Co. Samuel5, b. after his father's death, in 1768, married Meribeth Richetson and died in Durham, Greene Co., 1842. His children were Henry6, of Gorham, Rowland6, of Greene Co. and later of Poughkeepsie, where his son Samuel7 now lives, Ricketson6, Elizabeth 6, mar. Morgan Jones, Jane6, mar. Edmund Brant, and Ruth6, mar. Gilbert Titus.
Richard4, the third son of Henry, was of Valley Stream and alive in 1768. He had two sons, Elkanah5, born 1761, died 1822, with no issue, and Richbell5, a tobacconist of New York, and later of Far Rockaway with son Stephen6 of whom we know nothing.
John4, the youngest son of Henry, born Apr. 17, 1748, was of Far Rockaway. He was mrried twice, first to Martha Sammis, and last to Lucy Nichols. He was the owner of large real estate and the father of Sammis5, David5, Daniel5, William5, Richard5, Calvin H.5, John5, and Benjamin Birdsall5. Most of the Motts of Far Rockaway are of this stock.
Joseph2, (probably the fifth) son of Adam1 Mott, was of Cow Neck, a vestryman of St. George's parish, and had wife Mariam. His Will was made Mar. 24, 1734-5 and was proved in Feb. following. His children were Mariam3 married Samuel Cornell, Jane3 (the last born Aug. 9, 1714 or '15). All had issue.
Joseph3, the oldest, born 1696 or earlier, mar. his half cousin Deborah3 , dau. of Richbell2 Morr, and for 2d wife, June 3, 1759, Cathren Boerum. He was vestryman of St. George's from 1743 to '9. He removed to Charlotte Precinct, Dutchess Co., and made a Will in 1762, which was proved in 1765. His children by first wife were Richard4, Joseph4, Martha4, who mar. James Valentine, Jane4 who mar. Timothy Smith, Elizabeth4, who mar. Samuel Smith, Samuel4, and Jemima4 who mar. John Cannon. By second wife there were Richard4 (2d), Jacob4, and Catherine4. Richard4, the eldest, remanind in Hempstead, mar. Elizabeth Smith and died 1757-8 without issue. Joseph4, mar. Jan. 29, 1748-9 Phebe Smith, had a sone Joseph5, and was living in Charlotte Precinct 1767 and in Clinton 1789. The father and son, together with Samuel4 and Jacob4, the younger brothers of Joseph 4 all being Tories, went, soon after, to the northwestern part of Vermont, and settled in that part of Caldwell's Manor which is now Alburgh. Their descendants are numerous bothe on the Canadian side and in the northern counties of Vermont and New York. Of Richard4 (2d) nothing has been learned.
Samuel3, the second son of Joseph2, was born in 1707, married May 27, 1728 Martha Smith. He died Feb. 15, 1736=7, leaving a Will of the previous Dec. 21, in which his wife and "children" are mentioned. The widow married John Hicks. Nothing watever has been learned of his descendants, not even the names of his children, But it is probable that some of the families of the name now in the neighborhood of Hempstead are of this branch.
Jacob3, the youngest son of Joseph2, was born Aug. 7, 1714 or '15. He was first of Cow Neck, and later of Oyster Bay, and the progenitor of several prolific lines. He married, July 16, 1735, Abigail Jackson. In 1763 he was a petitioner to the town of Hempstead in behalf of St. George's parish for a plot adjoing the burial ground to increase its capacity. He served the Colony as captain of Queen's Co. militia, and voted Nov. 7, 1775 for deputies to the Provincial Congress. On Jan. 1, 1776, with thirty of his Cow Neck neighbors he signed "the form of association," recommended the previous April, which bound the signers "under all the ties of religion, honor, and love of country, to adopt and endeavor to carry into execution watever measures may be recommended by the Continental Congress or resolved on by our Provincial Convention for the purpose of preserving our constituion and oposing the execution of the several arbitrary and oppressive acts of the British Parliament." He died Oct. 6, 1805, his will being dated at Oyster Bay, Aug. 23, 1803. Of his thirteen children seven only lived to maturity, Isaac4, Ruth4, who mar. successively Jordan Lawrence and Stephen Coles, Samuel Jackson4, Jacob4, Miriam4, who mar. Benjamin Birdsall, Richard4, and Joseph4.
Isaac4, the oldest, born May 6, 1743, married Anne Coles, daughter of Joseph and Freelove (Weeks) Coles. Her benevolence was actively exerted to relieve the necessities and sufferings of American prisoners during the Revolution, and she was made the recipient of a table cloth, now cherished by her descendants, which was given her by some officers confined the Sugar House (for sketch of her life see N.Y. Gen. & Biog. Record. Jan. and April, 1905). Isaac Mott died in 1780, leaving issue, Samuel Coles5 of Sing Sing, Jordan5 of New York, Jacob Coles5 of New York and Jerusha5.
Of these, Samuel Coles5, b. Nov. 19, 1766, drowned Oct. 30, 1839, mar. Mary Leonard, who d. Nov. 22, 1826; issue, seven children. of whom Samuel Leonard6, b. Aug. 16, 1803. d. Mar. 29, 1872. mar. Lavinia, dau. of Rev. George and Jerusha5 (Mott) Strebeck. Jordan5 b. Feb. 6, 1768, mar. (1) Elizabeth, dau. of James Ellison of Hempstead (see Allison Family Gen. p. 245), no issue, and (2) Lavinia (Winifred) dau. of James Striker of Striker's Bay, by whom he had seven sons; he was a merchant of Pearl St. N.Y., and first treasurer of St. Stephen's P.E. Church. Jacob Coles5 b. Jan. 5, 1770, mar. Mary Green Smith, was a leather dresser in the Sw3amp, and first clerk of St. Stephen's. Jerusha5, b. Feb. 5, 1772, mar. Rev. George Strebeck, and died 1811. He was the translator of the Lutheran catechism, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church (now a component part of Zion and St. Timothy). and founder and first rector of St. Stephen's in N.Y. He was also rector of Grace Church, Jamaica, and principal of a young ladies' school at Fredericksburg, Va.
Samuel Jackson4, second son of Jacob3, born Feb. 6, 1753, lived at North Hempstead, married Glorianna Coles, and died about 1828. His children were James5, Joseph5, Miriam5, the wife of John Carpenter, Elizabeth5, the wife of Charles Kissam, Benjamin5 Mary5, the wife of Titus Boerum, Abigail5, the wife of Timothy Townsend, and Jacob C.5
Jacob4, the third son of Jacob3, born June 30, 1756, was of New York, and an alderman, married Deborah Lawrence, and died Aug. 16, 1823. He had four sons, William Lawrence5 , grocer, of New York, and the grandfather of Rev. George S. Mott, of Newark. Richard Lawrence5, of New York, Jacob Lawrence,5, Quaker preacher, of Tarrytown (bought in 1825, and occupied, the house there made famous by Irving, in which Ichabod Crane courted Katrina van Tassel), and Jordan Lawrence5, of New York, the father of the present Jordan L.6, of Mott Haven.
Richard4, the fourth son of Jacob3, born May 9, 1761, was of Roslyn, died Nov. 1, 1814, and had Jacob S.5, of Roslyn, Abigail5, wife of Isaac Kirby, Elisha S.5, Phebe5, wife os Samuel Kissam.
Joseph4, the youngest son of Jacob3, born Aug. 21, 1763, had died before 1803, leaving a minor daughter Phebe5.
Gershom2, the youngest son of Adam1 Mott by his first wife, had removed to Monmouth, N.J., before 1685, married Catherine Bowne, was high-sheriff and member of the Provincial Assemble, and died about 1733. None of his descendants appear later in Long Island. The late General Gershom6 Mott was the great grandson of his son William3. A notice of this branch of the family is in the N.Y. Gen. & Beographical Record of 1894.
Richbell2, the oldest son of Adam1 Mott by his second wife, was of Great Neck. He married, 1696, Elizathe Thorne, and died in the fall of 1734. His children were Edmund3 , Richbell3, who apparently died soon after his majority and unmarried. Elizabeth3, the wife of Adam3 Mott of Staten Is., Mary3, wife of Jo. Treadwell, Richard3, Ann3, the wife successively of Daniel Kissam and Jotham Townsend. Jemima3, wife of Stephen Wood, Kezia3, wife of Jahn Jackson, and Deborah3, wife of Joseph3 Mott of Dutchess Co.
Edmund3, the oldest son, was of Cow Neck. He married Catherine Sands in 1726 and died in 1743. They were Friends. Besides the oldest child of Margaret4, Estbruy records give births of Richbell4, 1728, Edmund4, 1730 and John4, 1732. Richbell4, was of Hempstead (north), mar. 1749 Deborah Dodge, and d. 1758 leaving two daughters only Edmund4, a mariner, mar. 1753 Deborah Sands and died without issue. John4 was of Cow Neck, d. 1781 without issue, and probably unmar.
Richard3, the other surviving son, married 1741 Sarah Pearsall, was of Hempstead where he bought the Robinson mill property of Thomas Pearsall, an of N.Y., called "bolter". He died Aug. 15, 1743 and his widow married Richard Alsop in 1747. The only child was James4 , b. 8, 8, 1742, mrechant, of Beekman St., N.Y., and of Mamaroneck. He mar. 1765, Mary Underhill, and died May 7, 1823 in N.Y. His chldren were Richard5, b. 1767, Quaker preacher of Mamaroneck, Anne5, b. 1768, mar. Adam4 Mott of the yougest branch, Robert5 , b. 1771, the N.Y. merchant, and Samuel5 b. 1773, of N.Y. and Brooklyn. All were Friends. Their descendants hae been made known by the publication of Mr. Cornell's book "Adam & Anne Mott," a dau. of this James4 being the Anne of the narrative.
William2 Mott, the second son of Adam1 bythe second wife, was born Jan. 20, 1674. His wife was Hannah Ferris. They lived at Great Neck, where he died June 30, 1740. Issue were an only son William3, Hannah3, wife of Philip Pell, Martha3, and Elizabeth3, both of whom died unmarried.
William3, the only son, born 1709, was of Great Neck and mar. 6, 18, 1742, Elizabeth, dau. of Henry and Mary Allen (not Elizabeth Valentine, as often told.) Their children that survived childhood were William4, James4, Elizabeth4, mar. David Underhill, Samuel4, John,4 Henry4, Richard4, Joseph4, Benjamin4, and Hannah4 who d. unmar. 1805.
William4, the oldest, b. 8, 1, 1743, merchant of 240 Water St., N.Y., mar. Mary Willis, and d. at Great Neck 30, 3, 1825, leaving three sons, William Willis5, b. 1791, Robert Willis5, b. 1796, and James Willis5, b. 1799, all merchants of New York. Samuel4 was a New York merchant, mar. Sarah Franklin, and was father of William F.5 and Samuel F.5. The present John L. B.7 Mott of New York is of this branch. Henry4 was the distinguished physician, married Jane Way, and was the father of John Way5 and the well known Dr. Valentine5 Mott who died in 1865.
James4 and Richard4 died probably unmar., certainly with no surviving issue. Joseph4 mar. Abigail Thorne and d. 1801, leaving Joseph S.5, and a posthumous dau. Susan5, who mar. Isaac S. Allen. Benjamin4, associated in business in N.Y. with his brother Joseph 4, mar. Elizabeth Akerly and d. 1816 leaving Benjamin A.5, Alfred A.5, and Eliza A.5 who mar. Wm. H. Titus. For a complete account of this branch of the family see article by the writer in the N.Y. Gen & Bio. Record, XXXVI, pg. 239.
Charles2 Mott, the third son of Adam1 by the second wife, was married probably not much before 1695 to Elizabeth__________, who aparently died in his life time. His will was made Feb. 10, 1740 and proved Mar. 11 of same or next year. He was the owner of lands in Caycayas or Kakiat (New Hempstead) in Orange Co. His children were Charles3, Gershom3, Jacob3, Amos3, Benjamin3, Adam3, Maryann3 who having been first the wife of a Starkin, then married, 1730, Patick Carrell, Elizabeth3, who married a Hunter, and John3.
Charles3, the eldest, born in 1696 or earlier, had wife Deborah efore 1729, settled on his father's tract at Kakiat and was dead in 1748, leaving three sons. Joseph4, Samuel4, of whom we know nothing, and Sylvanus4, who was probably the Haverstraw man of that name who made his Will in 1785. The surname still is found about Haverstraw, but documentary proof is wanted to complete the connection.
Gershom3, the second son of Charles2 Mott, was also a settler at Kakiat, with his wife Ruth. He died 1758-9, and his Will tells us his issue were Solomon4, Gershom4, Mary4, the wife of Peter Lott, Elizabeth4, the wife of a Clark, Charles4, and Benjamin4, all of whom were alive in 1758. Solomon4 was of Kingwood, N.J., and I think his only son Gershom5 died without male issue. Gershom4 was also at Kingwood, and later at Baltimore, where he died in 1772. Of Charles4 and Benjamin4 nothing is found in the Orange Co. records.