Brooks & Mott, provns. 194 Wash. mkt
Egbertson & Mott, stables, 119 W. 23d
", Mott & Co. hardware (Sacramento, Cal.), 34 Platt
J. L. Mott, Iron Works, 264 & 266 Water
Mott Alexander B. surgeon, E. 27th ??? Madison av. h 62 (old No. 56) Madison av.
Office hours from 9 A. M. to 12 M. & 7 to ??? P. M.K
Mott Ann E. nurse, h r 117 Perry
Mott Charles, lawyer, 192 B'way, h E. 111th n Fourth av.
Mott Charles, police, h r 167 Suffolk
Mott Charles D. agent, 25 Pine, h E. 124th n Fourth av.
Mott Chas. E. grooer, 771 Eighth av. h 307 W. 47th
Mott Daniel L. provns. 494 W. Wash. mkt. h 199 Wash'n
Mott Eliza, screws, 258 W. 28th
Mott Elizabeth, wid. Sammis, h 12 Charlton
Mott Emeline C. wid. William H. h 133 Norfolk
Mott Abram C. pres. 250 Water, h Pa.
Mott Alexander B. surgeon, office 21 E. 27th,
office hours, from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. & from 7 to 9 P. M. h 62 Madison av.
Mott Amanda, wid. George C. bdgh. 244 W. 14th
Mott Anna M. wid. Dewitt C, h 3201 Third av.
Mott Anthony, cigars, 200 W. 125th, h 2299 Eighth av.
Mott Augustus W. iron, 88 Beekman, & v. pres. 37 Platt, h 2122 Fifth av.
Mott Barton H. engraver, 82 Nassau, h J. C.
Mott Catharine, wid. Henry, h 38 Suffolk
Mott Charles, tailor, h 74 Lewis
Mott Charles E. coal, 353 W. 52d & 315 W. 41st, h 307 W. 47th
Mott Charles E. jeweler, 8 Maiden la.
Mott Charles T. architeet, 111 B'way, h 911 President, B'klyn
Mott Daniel L. provns. 126 Washn. mkt, h 408 Rodney, B'klyn
Mott Edgar J. trucks, 33 Beekman, h 642 Pacific, B'klyn
Mott Edgar P. clerk, h 367 W. 19th
Mott Edgar W. clerk, h 1070 Park av.
Mott Edwin C. lawyer, h Kingsbridge
Mott Emeline, wid. William H. h 238 E. 86th
Mott Francis P. supt. 2868 Third av. h 3201 Third av.
Mott Frank C. upholsterygds. 127 Fifth av.
Mott Frederick G. sec. 118 Warren, h Bouckville, N. Y.
Mott Frederick J. police, h 1804 Park av.
Mott Garrett S. electrician, 171 B'way, h Basking Ridge, N. J.
Mott George, engineer, h 271 Delancey
Mott George, express, 45 Church, h J. C.
Mott George, police, h 2091 Third av.
Mott George A. clerk, h 313 E. 150th
Mott George E. lawyer, 95 Nassau, h 824 Union, B'klyn
Mott George E. stamps, 362 Sixth av.
Mott Gilbert, clerk, h 151 Suffolk
Mott Haven Canal Docks (office) 13 Park row
Mott Henry, driver, h 331 W. 53d
Mott Henry A. chemist, 102 B'way, h 55 W. 27th
Mott Henry A. lawyer, 32 Liberty, h 48 W. 59th
Mott Henry H. drygds. 70 Worth, h 55 E. 53d
Mott Hopper S. manager, 120 B'way & 769 Eleventh av. h 190 W. End av.
Mott Ida, wid. Joseph, h 208 E. 97th
Mott Isabella, wid. Charles W. h 348 Seventh av.
Mott J. L. Iron Works, 88 Beekman, 147 W. 35th & 2411 Third av.
Mott Jacob H. hotel, 660 Sixth av. h Bryant Park h.
Mott James, baker, h 44 Gouverneur
Mott James E. pedlar, h r 43 Spring
Mott James R. eatingh. 211 Bowery, h 911 Second av.
Mott James W. broker, 20 Exchange pl. h Gt. Neck, L. I.
Mott Jane F. wid. William F. h 127 E. 40th
Mott Joanna, wid. Sebastian, h 2299 Eighth av.
Mott John, laborer, h 234 Eldridge
Mott John, trucks, h 278 Seventh
Mott John A. hats, 56 Barclay, h 194 S. 8th, B'klyn
Mott John C. cider, 118 Warren, h E. Orange, N. J.
Mott John L. B. h 601 Madison av.
Mott John O. lawyer, 38 Park row, h 67 E. 77th
Mott John R. clerk, h 678 G'wich
Mott John T. clerk, h 379 Eighth
Mott John W. clerk, h 322 E. 121st
Mott Jordan L. pres. 88 Beekman, h 2122 Fifth av.
Mott Jordan L. jr. pres. 37 Platt, & v. pres. 88 Beekman, h 17 E. 47th
Mott Lawrence S. supplies, 115 B'way, & sec. 15 State & 431 W. 13th, h Newark, N. J.
Mott Lewis C. notary, 426 B'way, h 67 E. 123d
Mott Lewis F. tutor, 17 Lex. av. h 367 W. 19th
Mott Memorial & Surgical Library, 64 Madison av.
Mott Rebecca, wid. Stephen Y. dressmkr. Ackerman n Riverdale av.
Mott Richard, h 307 W. 47th
Mott Richard E. clerk, h 307 W. 47th
Mott Richard W. clerk, h 1704 Bathgate av.
Mott Robert G. broker, h 20 E. 55th
Mott Samuel C. stable, 119 W. 23d, h 29 Dominick
Mott Samuel R. cider, 118 Warren, h Bouckville, N. Y.
Mott Valentine, broker, 60 B'way
Mott Valentine, physician, 29 E. 24th, h 62 Madison av.
Mott William, agent, h 113 Clinton
Mott William, clerk, h 189 Broome
Mott William. engineer, h 156 G'wich
Mott William, screws, 258 W. 28th
Mott William E. driver, h 236 E. 42d
Mott William E. seaman, h 1070 Park av.
Mott William F. artist, 52 E. 23d, h 127 E. 40th
Mott William H. coal, 617 Hudson, h 54 W. 38th
Mott William H. supt. E. 150th n Harlem R. h 578 Mott av.
Mott William Harvey, ins. 172 B'way
Mott William L. clerk, h 322 E. 121st
Mott S. R. & J. C. cider & vinegar, 118 Warren
Mott & Ross, stable, 119 W. 23d & 112 W. 24th
Mott & Sands, hats, 56 Barclay
Darwin E......
James M......